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Regular School Committee Meeting - Retreat Agenda - January 18, 2014

Notice is hereby given that the Salem School Committee will hold a School Committee Retreat on Saturday, January 18, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Collins Middle School, in the first floor teachers’ lounge at 29 Highland Avenue, Salem, MA.

Retreat AGENDA
January 18, 2014

  • Welcome and introductions (45 minutes)
  • Review of the agenda
  • Review of the objectives
  • Round robin intros: Everyone has 3-5 minutes to say:
  • Name
  • Expectations for this retreat
  • Why are you on the School Committee?
  • 1 thing nobody knows about you
  • What does it mean to be on the School Committee? (90 minutes)
  • Round robin: What do you think it means to be on the School Committee?
  • Review of national and MASC guidelines
  • Effective/ineffective behaviors of School Committees and School Committee members
  • Discussion
  • Self assessment: How aligned has the Salem SC been until now with these guidelines?
  • What should change about how the SC currently operates to be in better alignment with these bylaws?  
  • Review of current School Committee norms
  • What norms should we establish to guide our operations?
  • What do you need to be an effective member of the School Committee?
  • Schedule Flex and/or Break (15 minutes)
  • District turnaround: (45 minutes)
  • Review of AIP and current initiatives
  • Salem’s 2014 priorities
  • Discussion
  • What do you want to learn more about?
  • Which items should be placed on future agendas?
  • School Committee 2014 priorities (90 minutes)
  • Review individual member priorities (homework)
  • Review current list of Committee priorities
  • Is this the right list?
  • What’s missing? What should come off?
  • What are the budget implications?  
  • Identify highest priorities
  • Review pending agenda item list
  • Confirm coordination with current efforts
  • Next steps and close (15 minutes)
  • Recap of parking lot issues
  • Should we hold more retreats?
  • Other issues
Respectfully submitted by:
Eileen M. Sacco, Secretary to the
Salem School Committee

“Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. c.30A § 18-25 and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.”